My photo
Kei te mihinui ki a koutou. Ko Horouta te Waka, Ko Hikurangi te Maunga, Ko Waiapu te Awa, Ko Porourangi te Tangata, Ko Ngati Porou te Iwi. Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa.


Te Rā Horoi - Saturday 19 July

I'm sure everyone knows where this. But where was the photo taken from?

This was taken from the Auckland City Library
Tāmaki Pātaka Kōrero.


Te Rā Mere - Friday 18 July

Where this is?

"He Taonga mo Aotearoa"

"A gift from Maori and all New Zealanders to the world"

Pou Kapua is located in the Plaza adjacent to the Telstraclear Pacific Events Centre.

The "Pou Kapua Taonga", is a significant Maori/Pacific Indigenous cultural arts project. The Pou Kapua, carved from a magnificent ancient Kauri from the forests of the Iwi of Te Rarawa, stands more than seventy feet high, and is the largest totem of its type in the world.

The story of the Pou begins in the sacred house of knowledge, with depictions of our creation and our beliefs throughout. We have carved the journeys of the adventures of our tupuna, and Maori and Polynesian nautical myths, legends and histories of migration to Aotearoa.


Te Rā Mere - Thursday 17 July

Where is this painting?

Yes, Danielle you're right. It is across the road from the Auckland City public library,
Tāmaki Pātaka Kōrero. I think that the wall is the back of the old St James movie theatre or was it the Regent??
I love this painted window too.


Te Rā Apa - Wednesday 16 July

Where is this?

This is a photo of the incomplete bridge in Manukau, in front of the Telstar Events Centre and taken on the Great South Road by the traffic lights.


Te Rā Tū - Tuesday 15 July

Kei hea tēnei Toi?

Where is this Art?

It is at CS, on the wall in the library.


Te Rā Hina - Monday 14 July



Te Rā Tapu - Sunday 13 July

I have been having so much fun with this blogging. However, with my daily photo journal I find it hard to chose just ONE photograph per day. I am also conscious of the fact that these photographs are on the net, therefore, if the photos have people in them, I will get their (or their caregivers) permission to use them. Failing that I would try to take photos of people in a crowd. Other than all of the many different accounts that I have set up, another challenge I am having, is that I end up surfing all over the place and trying out heaps of things, of which I have put only a few of them on here. I think that the fun in all of it was finding and playing on the sites. It is really awesome.

Oh the places I have been,
and the things I have seen.

We were asked to set up a couple of internet feeds and a RSS feed. As I am a news seeker I added NZ Herald and Ataahua Māori I also have an interest in photography, so I added i heart photograph and Richard Estes. Cooking with Amy was added for that reason as well, for interest value. I wouldn't want to suggest that I am an expert in either area...yet. A couple of RSS feeds were Technorati and My Blogline the intructions on both of them were easy to follow. Our libraries could use the RSS to get up to date information and show patrons how this could be done. Then I met up again with a friend and remembered that he plays beautiful music, so added his link as well. The Broken Heartbreakers Online Also thought that I'd add another blog by some one in the music industry. Scratch Dat!

The generators were awesome. I had a play with Word clouds, Wordle - Ngati Porou all I had to do was add some words and the generator would put it all together in which ever way or whatever colours I wanted.

I tried many of the generators, some of which included the following:

The 8 ball was created with the
imageGenerator , I also created a 'clippy,' that was so much fun. Words could be inserted in much the same way as 'the yeah right' slogans. I mosified Ben Bratts head on another’s body with Moosify he is such a prettiful man, especially in one of my favorite movies, Miss Congeniality with Sandra Bullock, another great actor. Magnigraph and Warholizer was where I coloured a photo in different colours, as shown above. Photos could be aged with old style and Cover Browser was when I could type words into speech bubbles of comic books.
It was lovely with an 'edge of vanity' to put myself on the front of a magazine or to be on a movie poster
Be on TV Guide however, I think I missed my 'calling.'

After joining
Flickr: Hikurangi's Photostream I found I could do a lot of great things with my photos through this link. fd's Flickr Toys One of which was called ‘Motivator,' I was meant to put some 'inspiration words' within the frame as well but the picture and title 'Papa Kainga' (home) alone, done it for me.

I also used fd's Flickr Toys so that I could play around with all of my photos and make my side show. I'm still not satisfied with it, so I'll play around with it and tweek it here and there, til I get it right. OK, OK it still isn't up to my satisfaction so I've ended up using a Picasa slide show.

LibraryThing The library thing was great to have a play in. The few books that I chose were only for the benefit of having to chose some books. I think if I actually had to put books on 'the shelf,' there would not be enough room. I've also put on the side bar Unshelved which is a library comic that I found interesting, our Manukau Public Libraries which needs no explanation, as well as Rollyo: Hikurangi which is a list of specified websites that I have chosen. I really think that Rollo is a great addition for the sake of accumulating relevant information in one place. As well as the previous feeds, I also added Technorati slide show, I found everything easy enough to join up and use most of the feeds, it was just trying to remember all of my user names and passwords.

Okay, that's enough of all of these words. Thank goodness a new week has started and I can go back to photographs. There should also be a rule that "one cannot fix and re-fix and re-fix and's blog. hehe. That's the perfectionist in me.

Cute little Malaysian girl, singing.

Laughing Baby

A wee Scottish lass singing Three Craws.

Little Korean boy will make you smile.
