My photo
Kei te mihinui ki a koutou. Ko Horouta te Waka, Ko Hikurangi te Maunga, Ko Waiapu te Awa, Ko Porourangi te Tangata, Ko Ngati Porou te Iwi. Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa.


Te Rā Horoi - Saturday 26 July

I te whiti te rā, Te Rā Mere

Engari, i titirohia ahau kei waho o taku matapihi I tēnei wiki mutunga, kei te marangai anō.

On Friday it was sunny but looking out my window this weekend, it is raining.

So it was out with the 'books?' again.


Te Rā Mere - Friday 25 July

Tenei po, ka haere au ki te toa, 'Te taone-kai,' kei te hoko he kai, me he putiputi hoki.
Kei hea tenei toi, tenei wahi.

Tonight I went to Foodtown and bought some food and flowers.

Where was this photo taken?

**OK Gin, yes you're right, it is Hunters gold star coming your way, or maybe a Bebo heart, hehe.


Te Rā Pare -Thursday 24 July

He kōno hua teiti wera tonu mai i te kare – te reka hoki!
Date scones hot from the oven, delicious.


Te Rā Apa - Wednesday 23 July

Kei te mahia rarangi a tenei ra. Tino pai, titiro oku taonga, he ika me he poroporo hoki.

Today we did raranga and I attempted to make a 'fish' and was given this beautiful bracelet.


Te Rā Tū - Tuesday 22 July

Mahia te mahi mo toku tinana. Kei te pai kei muri o te roopu, ingari, etahi waa, kei te neke ahau kei mua.

Getting fit and healthy??


Te Rā Hina - Monday 21 July

Te Wiki o Te Reo Maaori a tenei wiki 21-28 o Hongongoi.

ēnei Toi o tātou rohe.
This art piece represents our community.

A couple of really good links.

(Celebrate Maori Language Week 2008)
Sign up for the kupu of the day.


Te Rā Tapu - Sunday 20 July

Ok, ok, I was going to put the mountain of text books that I was reading and take a photo of them, however, I decided that I would be honest and take a photo of one (of many) of the DVD's that one watches when all it does all weekend is rain, rain and then rain some more. But woohoo, we had a couple of hours of SUN. So the tv was turned off and I went out. I went past this wonderful mural painted by the schools in the community. Can anyone guess where? Then of course the rain and the wind came back, which put a real damper on the day and so it was back home to do more 'study.'

We were asked to write about anything 'technology related' that interests us. Hands down, it would have to be my digital camera. The Uniden UDC-5M
. It is small, easily portable and convenient. Gone are the days when you send away for the photos to be developed, just to find on their return that half of them were blank or some other mishap had occurred. Now it is just a matter of connecting the camera to the computer and picking and choosing
what photos I want and deleting the rest. I've also got photo shop, so I can play around with all of the photos as well. Such a huge learning curve, and a matter of learning by my mistakes and spending heaps of time on the pc. Some of the other benefits with this camera is that it has a big viewer on the back of the camera, the menu is easy to decipher and the photos are really clear and crisp, well most of the time, hehe.

You must be thinking how did I take the photos of my camera with a camera that I'm promoting...we've got three similar cameras in our whanau, so I used one of the other cameras. Finally, a good thing about having a digital camera is that I can share photos with my account on
Flickr: Hikurangi's Photostream
as well as my account on Picasa Web Albums - Mz Hikurangi - hikurangi blog

I'm also hoping that one day it'll turn into a Casio 300. So cool.

Cute little Malaysian girl, singing.

Laughing Baby

A wee Scottish lass singing Three Craws.

Little Korean boy will make you smile.
