My photo
Kei te mihinui ki a koutou. Ko Horouta te Waka, Ko Hikurangi te Maunga, Ko Waiapu te Awa, Ko Porourangi te Tangata, Ko Ngati Porou te Iwi. Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa.


Te Rā Horoi - Saturday 02 August

Yes, no power and playing with the torch in the dark, waiting for the power company people to come and reconnect my power, so I could get back to my blog.


Te Rā Mere - Friday 1 August

Wow, it's the 1st August, and another month has gone. Really incredible. So in order to truly celebrate, it's takeaways, for dinner. Yahoo. Well any excuse, really...the 1st, 2nd, 9th...14..28..


Te Rā Pare - Thursday 31 July

YES!! More of the wet stuff!!
Last day of the month and just a wrap up of July. Most of the required exercises I had done and wrote about on July 13, however, there were others that I had added to my Link List and I hadn't mentioned. I've added
Manukau Public Libraries;which is a RSS; Tagnautica this is a really fun application which puts words together in a fun way; Unshelved a comic based on a library and librarians, it also is interesting to see the many series; LibraryThing where a few of my chosen books are on a slide show; fd's Flickr Toys I could have (and did) spend ages playing with the many applications, Bubblr was one where I put together a series of photos (from Flickr) to create a slide show, this is at the bottom of my blog, Hocknerizer is what I used to do my blog header; Flickr: Hikurangi's Photostream I have a 'stream' of photos with Flickr, but I found Picasa Web Albums easier to use, especially when it came to my slide show at the top of the page. I also found a site called , Bravenet which was another site for more applications, I liked the idea that I could have a counter on my blog, but more so I could see at what time I had visits. I added the Technorati side show a while ago, I think it was because I'm a Matrix fan and I liked the black and green colour scheme. I have now joined Technorati Profile so that I could access heaps of info including 'the most popular blogs,' that I might one day require. A mashup that I liked was twittervision, it was a combination of Twitter, Facebook and 3D earth, it was cool to see people on the net, writing in different languages in short sentences, as it happened. Joining RADIO.BLOG.CLUB I got to choose different songs that can be played at home, but not on our work pc's. I liked searching different sites that were enjoyable and informative as well as being free. My major problem was that I had to join so many different sites and remember all of the passwords.


Te Rā Apa - Wednesday 30 July

Driving home at 5.45 in the afternoon. Darkness and rain, rain and more rain. Come on summer.


Te RāTū - Tuesday 29 July

I went to this awesome library today. Does anyone know which library this beautiful piece of art is?

**This photo was taken from the MIT library.


Te Rā Hina - Monday 28 July

Ko Ngāti Porou te Iwi
Ko Hikurangi te Maunga
Ko Waiapu te Awa
Ko Tokomaru Bay te Papa whenua.
Ko Mere Knight te Ingoa.
For those who didn’t know Aunty Mere Knight, she was involved in the Health and Community Sectors for over 50years. Her dedication and commitment to developing and supporting community, health and school groups was unsurpassed. She was very well known throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand, as well as being a very dedicated member of the Anglican Church. Evidence of Aunty Mere(s) skills in Raranga (weaving) is demonstrated by her many Tāniko and Tukutuku works which are widely displayed within organisations, marae andcommunity halls. Right up until the time she passed, she gave guidance in Tikanga and Mātauranga Maaori, and worked for Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau.

Tangi tonu, tangi tonu mo koutou; Maringi mai ngā roimata; Tukua ngā hūpē kia heke
Kei te heke tonu; Ngā roimata aroha e maringi mai nei; E tangi hotuhotu ana ahau.

I will miss your lovely smile, your kind words and your love of being Ngāti Porou.
Kōkā Mere, singing Paikea will never be quite the same.


Te Rā Tapu - Sunday 27 July

He 'wordle' teenei, he koorero atu ki te kua mutunga o Te Wiki o Te Reo Maaori.
Engari, Te Reo Maaori kei te korerotia i a raa, i a raa, i ngaa waa katoa.

The end of Te Reo Maaori week, however, Te Reo Maaori is a language to be spoken every day, for all time.

Cute little Malaysian girl, singing.

Laughing Baby

A wee Scottish lass singing Three Craws.

Little Korean boy will make you smile.
