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Kei te mihinui ki a koutou. Ko Horouta te Waka, Ko Hikurangi te Maunga, Ko Waiapu te Awa, Ko Porourangi te Tangata, Ko Ngati Porou te Iwi. Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa.


Te Rā Pare - Thursday 31 July

YES!! More of the wet stuff!!
Last day of the month and just a wrap up of July. Most of the required exercises I had done and wrote about on July 13, however, there were others that I had added to my Link List and I hadn't mentioned. I've added
Manukau Public Libraries;which is a RSS; Tagnautica this is a really fun application which puts words together in a fun way; Unshelved a comic based on a library and librarians, it also is interesting to see the many series; LibraryThing where a few of my chosen books are on a slide show; fd's Flickr Toys I could have (and did) spend ages playing with the many applications, Bubblr was one where I put together a series of photos (from Flickr) to create a slide show, this is at the bottom of my blog, Hocknerizer is what I used to do my blog header; Flickr: Hikurangi's Photostream I have a 'stream' of photos with Flickr, but I found Picasa Web Albums easier to use, especially when it came to my slide show at the top of the page. I also found a site called , Bravenet which was another site for more applications, I liked the idea that I could have a counter on my blog, but more so I could see at what time I had visits. I added the Technorati side show a while ago, I think it was because I'm a Matrix fan and I liked the black and green colour scheme. I have now joined Technorati Profile so that I could access heaps of info including 'the most popular blogs,' that I might one day require. A mashup that I liked was twittervision, it was a combination of Twitter, Facebook and 3D earth, it was cool to see people on the net, writing in different languages in short sentences, as it happened. Joining RADIO.BLOG.CLUB I got to choose different songs that can be played at home, but not on our work pc's. I liked searching different sites that were enjoyable and informative as well as being free. My major problem was that I had to join so many different sites and remember all of the passwords.

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Cute little Malaysian girl, singing.

Laughing Baby

A wee Scottish lass singing Three Craws.

Little Korean boy will make you smile.
