My photo
Kei te mihinui ki a koutou. Ko Horouta te Waka, Ko Hikurangi te Maunga, Ko Waiapu te Awa, Ko Porourangi te Tangata, Ko Ngati Porou te Iwi. Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa.


Te Rā Horoi - Saturday 09 August

Ko Taupiri te Maunga
Ko Waikato te Awa
Ko Te Wherowhero te Tangata.

Tooting our car horn when we drive past Taupiri, and watching the Waikato flowing by, these are the things we do.


Te Rā Pare - Thursday 07 August

Had dinner with my dear friend Kimmi.

Found my way around the Delicious site, so much so that I created a Hikurangi's Bookmarks on Delicious account, and added a few bookmarks. I can see the value in using this site as a resource, where I could find new sites by using the tags of others which would lead me to those sites. As well as this, my network badge is in the side bar.

Technorati Profile as previously mentioned and find it really interesting to be able to find the most popular blogs, searches, books, movies, videos and much more. Tagging is awesome, especially because it is linked with flickr and I could search though images as well. I even managed to claim my blog, create a a watchlist, and tag the bottom of this post. So exciting.

Kimmi, Delicious


Te Te Rā Apa - Wednesday 6 August.

Isn't she beautiful. One of my favorite photographs in the Te Ao Hou magazine.
Te Ao Hou is one of the many resources that are available when doing research relating to Māori. Another two resources (among many), would be the Fletcher Index of Maori Names and the Maaori Land Court Minutes Books, however, you have to register to access the minute books.


Te Rā Tū - Tuesday 5 August

'Haere Mai'

I found the library wiki
SJCPLSubjectGuides really interesting, they were created by the Reference Librarians and are guides that led patrons to resources in the Internet, the Library and in the community. Patrons were also invited to make suggestions. What I did like was that this library had a blog and librarians could be contacted by email. Librarians could also be contacted by four different 'messenger' services. As well as taking the patron to the catalogue, like all wikis, one could edit after joining and logging in. The BookLoversWiki was more of a book review site. Library Success: A best practices wiki and library wiki examples were interesting but you had to join up to edit anything and I guess I was just tired after all of the sites, I have already joined, not that I could think of anything to edit. The YouTube video was really good and I understood wikis better after watching it, which helped me add my favourites to the Sandbox Wiki PBwiki Learning 2.0 . (Which I had done a couple of weeks ago). At that time I also go a pbwiki account. ngati-akonga pbwiki


Te Rā Hina - Monday 4 August

Te Waiariki te Whare,

Te Mataitai te Wharekai,

Te Whaiora te Marae.


Mash-ups explained - David Berlind

p.s I have been asked, "What is a Mash-up?", so I thought I would add this 'You-Tube' video. I hope it helps (it helped me), that's if our work computers will let us see the video.

Te Rā Tapu - Sunday 03 August

Yeehaa!! The sun came out for an hour or two today. One photo is of the two Mangere Bridges where the evidence of all of the rain is seen in the huge puddle in the car park. The other photo is of Te Upoko o Mataaho (Mangere Mountain). I've added a new header at the top of my blog and I've used the 'Hocknevizer' generator. I so love most of the generator toys...oops tools.

Cute little Malaysian girl, singing.

Laughing Baby

A wee Scottish lass singing Three Craws.

Little Korean boy will make you smile.
