My photo
Kei te mihinui ki a koutou. Ko Horouta te Waka, Ko Hikurangi te Maunga, Ko Waiapu te Awa, Ko Porourangi te Tangata, Ko Ngati Porou te Iwi. Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa.


Te Rā Hina – Monday 11 August

Excitement at work today. Excitement??? at home, guess who's internet failed (and still isn't going after 3 hours on the phone to someone in the Philipines) and so I'm at a friend's place, putting today's photo onto my blog!! By crikeys.

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Cute little Malaysian girl, singing.

Laughing Baby

A wee Scottish lass singing Three Craws.

Little Korean boy will make you smile.
