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Kei te mihinui ki a koutou. Ko Horouta te Waka, Ko Hikurangi te Maunga, Ko Waiapu te Awa, Ko Porourangi te Tangata, Ko Ngati Porou te Iwi. Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa.


Te Rā Pare – Thursday 21 August

Danielle, you keep finding all of these cool readings. I so love them, they relate so well to libraries, "Taming Technolust: Ten Steps for Planning in a 2.0 World." by Michael Stephens.

I ventured into Podcasting today.
Having anything for free is a really a great bargain, but then like anything, it can chew through the broadband. I've experience the bliss of watching "You Tube" for ages and then afterwards realising that I'd used up so much of my broadband, that I had to increase my monthly usage (more money). I ventured into 'i tunes' and managed to get a few podcasts, and then went into my bloglines and added some similar ones, Te Ahi Kaa, Flight of the Conchords, John Cleese, Jackie Brown,
At the movies and The Moth. It was easier to add them via the URL, so that is what I've done. What I did like was a this page on the Christchurch Library website, which gives a really clear explanation of what podcasting is all about.

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Cute little Malaysian girl, singing.

Laughing Baby

A wee Scottish lass singing Three Craws.

Little Korean boy will make you smile.
